Enterprise Architecture in the Age of Generative AI

Insightful Savant
12 min readMay 26, 2024

I have written handful of blogs by this time about my experience on Enterprise Architecture and how I gloriously failed in my assessment of job need by assuming a reactive stance in handling my day to day affairs. I also wrote blogs on what organizations these days expect from Enterprise Architects. Most of the organizations use Enterprise Architecture practice as either a lead Product consultancy group or a lead Solution architect or a liaison for capabilities that need inter departmental cooperation. Most of the EAs that I have worked with, feel that maintaining an up-to-date Confluence page with relevant information is their major job function and that doing one of the stated functions are enough. Given the improper use of skillsets within an organization or being reactive to every days challenges, I realized that job of an Enterprise architect is a fine balance between everything. In my case, being tech heavy ended up being my achilles heel and there are many examples out there on why an EA failed in their respective role. Thanks to the AI wave, now we have a great tool to level the ground and help every architect to balance their act and add value to their organization.

In this blog, I intend to share the best practices on how to incorporate Generative AI into your Enterprise Architecture journey. While I cannot please every readers out there and even…



Insightful Savant

Architecture, cybersecurity, Cloud, psychological well-being and everything that's interesting!