20 Historical Lessons on How Not to Build a Community — Part 4

Insightful Savant
10 min readJan 14, 2024

<< Part 3

This is a continuation of a series that I started on the topic of how not to build a community. If you would like to read from the beginning, click here to go back to the first article in this series.

Disclaimer: The stories and illustration taken from history of India, feudal or renaissance Europe or Feudal Japan are just because of the fact that these stories are popular. This does not indicate any partiality or disliking towards the people of these countries. These practices were once littered across the world and the objective of this article is to ensure we don’t repeat the mistake.

#16 Lack of Religious Tolerance

An illustration on religious intolerance.

The historical coexistence of multiple religions in India is a testament to religious tolerance. India’s history is filled with periods where people of different faiths have lived together, contributing to a rich and diverse cultural tapestry. One prominent example that illustrates this coexistence is the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the 16th century.

Akbar, who ruled from 1556 to 1605, is often celebrated for his policy of religious tolerance and efforts to foster an inclusive environment for people of various faiths. Unlike some of his predecessors and successors, Akbar took several…



Insightful Savant

Architecture, cybersecurity, Cloud, psychological well-being and everything that's interesting!